Rendering Unconscious welcomes Carl Abrahamsson back to the podcast!
Carl Abrahamsson is a Swedish author, publisher, musician, photographer and filmmaker. Check out his books and publishing company Trapart Books, Films and Editions.
Join us for our upcoming Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult residency at Morbid Anatomy Museum, online, Sundays this September 2021.
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Become a Patron!The occultural methods and mutations of Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth (TOPY) have left a legacy that continues to inspire. In this talk, I look back at my time working (1986-1991) with TOPYSCAN and TOPY Europe in collaboration with TOPYUK and TOPYUS. It was a magical, ultra-creative time that taught me many things as well as allowed me to share my own findings with others. TOPY was a unique experiment in occulture, and one that still resonates today. Join me for an illuminating ride through sigil magic, roto-rites, underground publishing, and much more.
You may view this and other lectures at Carl Abrahamsson’s Vimeo on Demand page.
Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth (TOPY) x 2 from Carl Abrahamsson on Vimeo.
If you liked this lecture, you will also enjoy his books:
Occulture: The Unseen Forces that Drive Culture Forward (Inner Traditions, 2018)
Reasonances (Scarlet Imprint, 2014)
Sacred Intent: Conversations with Carl Abrahamsson (1986-2019) by Genesis Breyer P-Orridge (Trapart Books, 2021)
Genesis P-Orridge: Temporarily Eternal – Photographs (1986-2018) by Carl Abrahamsson (Trapart Books, 2021)
Visit the alphabetical list of guests for more episodes of Rendering Unconscious with Carl Abrahamsson.
Rendering Unconscious Podcast is hosted by psychoanalyst Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, who interviews psychoanalysts, psychologists, scholars, creative arts therapists, writers, poets, philosophers, artists & other intellectuals about their process, work, world events, the current state of mental health care, politics, culture, the arts & more.
Rendering Unconscious Podcast can be found at your favorite podcasting platforms, including: Spotify / iTunes / Soundcloud / Podbean
Dr. Sinclair is the author of The Pathways of the Heart (Trapart Books, 2021), Scansion in Psychoanalysis and Art: the Cut in Creation (Routledge, 2020) and Switching Mirrors (Trapart Books, 2016).
Dr. Sinclair is the editor of Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics & Poetry (Trapart Books, 2019) Outsider Inpatient: Reflections on Art as Therapy (Trapart Books, 2021) with Dr. Elisabeth Punzi, On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (Routledge, 2018) co-edited with Dr. Manya Steinkoler, and The Fenris Wolf, vol 9 (Trapart, 2017) co-edited with Carl Abrahamsson.
The song at the end of the episode is “The Fire of Moses” from the album Loyalty Does Not End With Death by Carl Abrahamsson and Genesis Breyer P-Orridge.
Many thanks to Carl Abrahamsson, who created the intro and outro music for Rendering Unconscious podcast.
Cover image: Image for Carl’s lecture originally given during his Occulture series 2018, featuring TOPY Psychick Cross
Below: portrait of Carl and Gen by Vanessa 2018