Rendering Unconscious episode 312.
Michelle Tea is here to talk about her new book MODERN MAGIC: Stories, Rituals, and Spells for Contemporary Witches. She is the author of over a dozen books, including the cult-classic Valencia, the essay collection Against Memoir, and the speculative memoir Black Wave. She is the recipient of awards from the Guggenheim, Lambda Literary, and Rona Jaffe Foundations, PEN/America, and other institutions. Knocking Myself Up is her latest memoir. Follow her at Instagram | X.
Rendering Unconscious is also a book series! The first two volumes are now available: Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives vols. 1 & 2 (Trapart Books, 2024).
Dr. Sinclair contributed a piece on “Freud and the Occult” to The Fenris Wolf 12 (Trapart Books, 2024) edited by Carl Abrahamsson.
Carl Abrahamsson’s magical memoir Meetings with Remarkable Magicians: Life in the Occult Underground (Inner Traditions, 2024) was just published! Join us for a Free Online Book Talk to celebrate October 27th.
Also coming up October 14 – Online Talk · Midsommar: A Weird Tale of Unconscious Ideals, with Swedish Author Carl Abrahamsson
Carl and Vanessa will both be presenting at A Tide of Ghosts: Esotericism and Art beyond Fact and Fiction – a two-day multidisciplinary conference exploring how the use of fictionings, in various entanglements of art, politics, and esotericism, bleeds into the real and how the two relate, if they ever are truly separate – to be held at Copenhagen University, Denmark on October 24-25, 2024. REGISTER HERE.
Join Dr. Vanessa Sinclair for The Magical Films of Iconic Director Tim Burton, beginning December 1 online via Morbid Anatomy Museum.

Watch this discussion on YouTube:
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Rendering Unconscious Podcast received the 2023 Gradiva Award for Digital Media from the National Association for the Advancement for Psychoanalysis (NAAP).
Support Rendering Unconscious Podcast at Patreon, Substack or Make a Donation via PayPal. Your support is greatly appreciated! Rendering Unconscious is a labor of love put together with no funding from outside sources. All support comes from the listeners, colleagues, and fans. Thank you for your support!
Rendering Unconscious podcast is hosted by Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, a psychoanalyst based in Sweden who works remotely with people all over the world. Follow at Instagram | Twitter | TikTok
Dr. Sinclair is the author of Things Happen (Trapart Books, 2024), The Pathways of the Heart (Trapart Books, 2021), Scansion in Psychoanalysis and Art: The Cut in Creation (Routledge, 2021) and Switching Mirrors (Trapart Books, 2016).
Dr. Sinclair is the editor of Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives vols. 1 & 2 (Trapart Books, 2024) and Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Films of Ingmar Bergman: From Freud to Lacan and Beyond (Routledge, 2023).
She co-edited the books The Queerness of Psychoanalysis: From Freud and Lacan to Laplanche and Beyond (Routledge, 2025) with Elisabeth Punzi and Myriam Sauer, Outsider Inpatient: Reflections on Art as Therapy (Trapart Books, 2021) with Elisabeth Punzi, On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (Routledge, 2019) with Manya Steinkoler, and The Fenris Wolf, vol 9 (Trapart Books, 2017) and The Fenris Wolf, vol 11 (Trapart Books, 2022) co-edited with Carl Abrahamsson.
Many thanks to Carl Abrahamsson, who created the intro and outro music for Rendering Unconscious podcast. Follow him at: Twitter | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube | Substack
The song at the end of the episode is “Blown Away” from the album Ready For Business by Vanessa Sinclair and Pete Murphy. Available at Pete Murphy’s Bandcamp Page.
Our music is also available at Spotify and other streaming services.
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