Rendering Unconscious welcomes Alireza Taheri to the podcast!
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Become a Patron!Alireza Taheri, PhD. provides psychoanalytic treatment in private practice in Toronto. He teaches Lacanian theory as part of the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society and Institute’s extension program and is a permanent faculty member of HamAva Psychoanalytic Institute in Tehran (Iran) where he teaches psychoanalytic theory and practice. He is also the book review editor of Psychoanalytic Discourse (an independent international journal for the clinical, theoretical and cultural discussion of psychoanalysis). Dr. Taheri has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and, most recently, in an edited collection On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (Routledge, 2018). He is currently working on a monograph entitled Spectre of Madness: Untimely Variations on a Theme of Diremption.
Rendering Unconscious Podcast is hosted by psychoanalyst Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, who interviews psychoanalysts, psychologists, scholars, creative arts therapists, writers, poets, philosophers, artists & other intellectuals about their process, work, world events, the current state of mental health care, politics, culture, the arts & more.
This episode is also available at YouTube:
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The song at the end of the episode is from “LUNACY” by Vanessa Sinclair & Carl Abrahamsson available on DVD and Vimeo on Demand via Trapart and original soundtrack from Highbrow-Lowlife on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube & all major streaming platforms.
Music for intro and outro of Rendering Unconscious Podcast by Carl Abrahamsson.
Artwork by Vanessa Sinclair