Rendering Unconscious is a podcast hosted by Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, an American psychoanalyst based in Stockholm. Dr. Sinclair interviews psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, creative arts therapists, social workers, artists, poets, writers, scholars and other clinicians and intellectuals about their process, work, current events, activism, mental health care, diverse theoretical lenses and various worldviews. Episodes also include lectures given and recorded at various events hosted internationally.

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On this episode of Rendering Unconscious, philosopher Luce deLire presents “Necropolitics, the Death Drive and the Necessity of Evil” originally given at the Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult conference, London 2016. Collected papers from that conference can be found as a special edition of The Fenris Wolf (vol 9) (Trapart, 2017). She has contributed to the upcoming anthology Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics and Poetry (Trapart 2019).

Luce deLire is mostly known as a sophist, lover of public dancing, time traveler, philosopher and collector of mediocre jokes. She is working on and with treason, post secularism, self destruction, fascism and seduction – all in mixed media.

This episode is also available with accompanying video at YouTube:

You can find more from Luce deLire at:
Public Seminar
Roundtable: Critique
Halt Action Group

For more information:

The track at the end of the episode is “It Can be Chaotic and Disturbing” from the compilation album MESSAGE 23 available from Words by Vanessa Sinclair. Music by Witch Beam.

Music for the intro and outro of Rendering Unconscious Podcast by Carl Abrahamsson.

Photo of Luce deLire and Vanessa Sinclair by Tinker Coalescing